Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fulfilling Your Dream

Every pregnancy is a product of an intercourse. And when the pregnancy is brought to term a child is birth. There are some of us who had carried certain pregnancy that never came close to birth. Some were terminated immediately after they took in but for some, months later they suffer miscarriage. This indeed is not a too pleasant experience. What you may be pregnant with could be your dreams. You hope to get married soon, own a house, build an industry, go to school, build your parent a house; maybe yours is to get a good paying job. You were hopeful but then it happened. Abortion! Your tall dreams came crashing before your very eyes, and it seem you may never get to put them back together again. I say it’s not the end of the road. God was there too. HIS DREAM! Now God desired a world that is free of evil and wickedness. He desired a world that was to be totally ruled by peace, joy and bliss. And so he set machinery in place to make it happen. He succeeded in setting the stage. Just when he was about to settle down to enjoying his dream, his hope was dashed. Man got himself into trouble thereby destroying the original plan of God. What a crushing blow to God. THE LESSON IS THIS Friend, probably you had a dream that failed yesterday and you are being crucified and called a failure. And that has made you to be bitter and left you in an acute pool of depression. You think there is no more way out for you. I want you to remember that God was sometimes in your shoes. He suffered a disheartening abortion. His beautiful garden got messed up and his hope for an evil free world failed. Do you know what? He never remained in his frustration. He initiated another plan to realize his dream. This time he was never caught 'napping' so his dream succeeded. For you to sit down and bemoan your failure is certainly not the right path to tow in such times. It is for you to sit down and strategize on the way forward. Yes, it failed. What about it? Engineer another plan to make it work. If plan A was not up to it, then plan B would or even plan C. That you failed yesterday does not make you a failure. It is only your project that failed, not you. There is a big difference between you and your project. Get up, initiate another plan and keep moving. Don't let that dream die. That is the engine that powers your life. Although God's dream remained the same, he triggered another move. You can bounce back. After all you are not the first that failed and you won't be the last. Take a cue from God, the initiator of bounce back and console yourself. It is never over until you give up. NOTE THIS Failure is only an event en-route to success. Why make a fuss about something that is not permanent. It is not worth it. Every time you are tempted to bemoan you failure again, just remember that God suffered an abortion of his dream too and at a very early stage.

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